viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2012

free post: cineeeeeeeeeeeeeema c:

I like a lot go to cinema. I’m not demanding about films. With a juice, pop corn and a good seat I’m happy . Addition, however bad the film it’s always good to see it and criticize.

My favorite movies are those about fantasy, magic… and children’s movies jajaja. My mom always said me “you don’t have the age too see a kid’s film” but I just laugh and go to cinema to see it.

The first time I went to cinema I was four or five years old. I went with my big sister, Pamela, and some cousins. We saw “The Lost World: Jurassic Park”, by Steven Spielberg. I only remember two things from that day: I dislike dinosaurs and should not go to bathroom in the middle of film.

Since then I have been a lot of time. I saw movies like Harry Potter, The Simpsons, Night at the museum, Spiderman, Transformer, Captain America, Tangled, Ice Age, The pirates of Caribbean, Water for elephants and Legion.

In the next days I go to cinema with a friends, Marilú, Charlotte and Pía (yes! the “Pía” of this class!). The idea is see “007: Skyfall”, the new movie of James Bond. I must say I NEVER see a James Bond’s film, so I don’t know that expectations have.

My “but” about cinemas is the price of tickets. If you don’t buy tickets with time (a couple of days before) the price isn’t comfortable.
And the summer comes! Summer without class! So, I hope to go see more movies!

Bye c:

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