miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012

A song...

A song I like

My mom is a strong influence on my musical tastes. Since childhood I have heard musicians and bands such as Inti-Illimani,Violeta Parra, Víctor Jara, Quilapayún, Los Jaivas, Santiago del Nuevo Extremo, etc, of movements the “new Chilean song” and “Latin American fusion” .

This movements are characterized by a folk bas, with lyrics that express the wishes of society or  mixture rhythms.

A song I like so much of this movement is “Lo que más quiero”. It wrote by Violeta Parra and scored by her daughter, Isabel. On 1970, Violeta publishes its self-titled album that contains this song and on 1971 Inti-Illimani records and releases his own version. The latter is my favorite.

This song is played as a joropo. In the version of Inti-Illimani is accompanied by a cuatro (instrument of four strings) which takes the base, a guitar (plucking and arpeggio) and a pair of maracas. But, my favorite element of the song is the harmony that are the voices, especially at the beginning and end of the track. When a hear the song I feel the strength of the interpretation.

The lyric are, broadly speaking, about how what we love as we try to harm, intentionally or unintentionally.

On this link you can listen to the version recorded by Inti Illimani

And, here, you can listen to a live version

Enjoy them! Bye :D

Kmizhii, a good friend :D

A good friend
My parents usually say I meet a lot of people, but only a handful of them are good friends. Between them is Camila, or Kamizhi jajajaja.

We met on 2006 at school. She was a punk girl, with black makeup in eyes and colored hair, and I… well, I was a folk girl. She hadn’t good marks and I started to help her. We stayed after class to studied. Then, we went together to stop bus and talk about stupid thinks and we became friends.

At a glance, we haven’t things in common, except the school. But, we both like taking walks, listening to music. She loves talk and I like listening to her things and laugh of Kamizhi.

Now, we don’t see so much :( Camila had a baby in January, 2010, and Gabriel, her sun, requires her full attention. In addition, the university absorbed all my time weekly. So, when I go out early to class, I make a visit to my friend and she cooks something delicious and I play with Gabriel. Then, the three go to a park near the Kamizhi’s home, and we had excellent!

But, as we are together just two twice a month, we call once a week at least.
She is a very sour and absurd girl, but I love a lot!
Bye-bye c: